
Table of Contents (Online Help)


For a certain period

The Savings and Loan Collection Sheet window has three tabs that it uses to generate three deferent Savings and Loan Collection Sheets. The "For a certain period" tab generates the report for a selected range of dates:

How to view the savings and loan collection sheet for a certain period

To view the savings and loan collection sheet For a certain period, go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Group Members Portfolio Reports/Savings and Loan Collection Sheet, and select the tab option "For a certain period" a screen like one below appears:

Note that

1. This printout has a provision to record the detailed total cash amount in savings, loans fees and commission paid by members and delivered and signed by the group clients.

2. This printout can then be used to up date the system once the loan officer returns to office.

3. This tab option generates a report form for savings and loan payments expected for only group clients.

4. This printout Amounts paid to that date, Savings balances, Amounts past due and the amounts that week

Click on the OK button to generate the Savings and Loan collection sheet that will look like one below or click on the Close button to quit.


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